Join us for a powerful 2-day encounter with the presence of God, equipping us to STAND for this generation.
Sam Rodriguez
Michael Maiden
George Chadwick
BJ Putnam
Moises Felipé
Oct 11
6:00 pm
Check-in begins
6:30 pm
Doors open
7:00 pm
Session 1
Oct 12
9:00 am
Check-in begins
9:30 am
Doors open
10:00 am
Session 2
12:00 pm
Lunch — food trucks
1:30 pm
Breakout 1
2:45 pm
Breakout 2
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
5:30 pm
Doors open
6:00 pm
Pastor Michael Maiden
Breaking Generational Strongholds
Pastor Eddie Rusnac
As we inherit certain genetic traits from our parents and ancestors, we can also inherit unhealthy sinful patterns, generational strongholds and curses. At this breakout, you will be given foundation truths and tools to help you overcome generational strongholds in your life.
The Heart of a Father
Pastor Matthew Maiden
In this breakout you will discover God’s heart as a Father and receive helpful tools for being a father after God’s heart for your kids.
A Rising Generation
Pastor Daniel Medeiros
No matter how old or young you may be, you are CALLED and you have PURPOSE. In this breakout you will be given tools to activate your faith and be launched into the calling and purpose God has designed for your life.
Unlocking the Image of God in You
Dr. Allen McCray
The goal of this breakout is to help you discover your identity in Christ and His identity in you. You will be given steps to unlocking the image of God in you, as well as how to discover your purpose and destiny.
The Four Keys to Unlocking Relationship Success
Pastor Justin Hege
In this session Pastor Justin will share four practical ways to build, start and repair a relationship. Whether dating for a month or being married for years, you will walk away with a new perspective on what it takes to have a fulfilled and fruitful relationship centered around Christ.
The STAND for Purity
Pastor Nathan Hale
This breakout will bring revelation and help to withstand and overcome sexual sin and offer effective tools to live a life of purity.
rise up
Give So Others Can Come
Donate to bring men from Teen Challenge and Dream Center Phoenix.
Where to Stay
6225 N. Central Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85012
Cftn men’s conference